

Creating a better self image and self perception is the key to a successful business


We have been conditioned to believe helping others is more important than helping yourself first. Just take the example from airlines, in the event of a engine malfunction the first thing said is to “put your mask on first”.

The deeper meaning behind this is that you have to be at your best and peak in order to truly give someone the benefit of YOU.  This takes time and energy properly invested into personal development.

This has to be an investment outside of traditional education.  We must be educated on ourselves and our unique value proposition.  We learn in school Math, Science, English etc but the thing we don’t learn is who we are as individuals on this planet.

The core of understanding our value is to have a clear vision and perception of ourselves.  Who we see ourselves as being determines our perspective and that perspective determines how we feel.   Because when we feel good, we accomplish more and when we feel bad we tend to be depressed and less active.  This is where having a clear, concise, and compelling vision statement written to keep us focused on what is really important to us.   We have to see the end state or the end result and place our focus and energy to accomplishing that end.  A vision statement written clearly with our authentic self incorporated into it. One that includes our deepest dreams, goals, aspirations, and desires to lead us pass whatever life brings to us establishes constant inspiration.

How clear is your vision?

Translation, equip yourself, build yourself, and better yourself to be the best version of yourself.

Create a better perception and vision of yourself and step out into the world feeling your best!!  It’s time to do the work to build your value in the marketplace. Build a better vision!

Learn more on vision



Your Future Imagined

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Your vision statement is your future imagined!

It’s a strange and amazing phenomena how our “feelings” act as receivers and transmitters of the things we desire in our lives.

People and things are drawn towards us and repelled away from us according to these “feelings”.

Because of this we have to do three things 1) focus on greater awareness of our feelings 2) understanding how to “harness” that power 3) attract our desire to us through thoughts, words, and actions.

This requires we capture an “image” of the future that is strong enough to lead us through the “valley of the shadow of death”. This valley is simply the “lows” of life that causes a “death” like experience. The lows of life will come and go like the ocean tides but we don’t have to rise and fall in our vision. 

Our feelings will go up and down but we don’t allow those up and down moments to define our destination.  The destination is the “future”  you hope to achieve and fulfill.  This requires deep introspect and reflection into your own soul.   

The most important question you can ask yourself is “What do I want?”  When you answer this with sincerity and peace with the response you have found a resting place for your emotions.  It is at this point when you can say “it is well with my soul”.

How well are you managing your feelings?

How well are you managing your thoughts? 

How well are you controlling your actions?

We can’t afford to let temporary “experiences” create permanent feelings within us.  Remember, take some time to meditate on things that are 1) Pure 2) lovely 3) have a good report 4) have praise in it 5) have virtue. 

These things are key to a sustained level of peace.

Are you looking to gain more clarity?



Learn the power of a vision statement

The power of a written vision statement

There are so many things that can have power in our lives and those things we often granted power without us even being aware.  Often the power was complicit during our early childhood years. Now, here we are as adults trying to process why so many things have power over us.  In order to regain our power we need to understand the power of a written vision statement.

When we write our thoughts in essence we are communicating to the physical world a message of our will and desire. The carefully crafted vision statement is our imagination and desire exploding into the earth realm as a force of change.  As we slowly understand the unique power of our vision statement it allows us to change our reality.

Every person that realizes the power of their vision statement will begin to see gradual shifts in their perception and perspective.  A brand new focus will emerge that changes the vibration and frequency of their life.  The new focus will determine the thoughts, which determine feelings, which then changes behavior.  Ultimately, we all want our behavior to change and produce specific outcomes and results in our lives.

This can only be achieved by completely  replaces old thoughts and paradigms with more powerful in alignment with true desire.

This is a journey of daily discovery, “what is your true desire”? When we institute our vision statement into the equation of daily thinking we start to shift in that direction.

Consistently bringing the image of the vision statement creates a very powerful feeling of satisfaction that aids in “vision aligned goals”. 

Order your copy of the Identity Blueprint by Toccara Nicole aka “The Identity Coach”